IN Capital: Ruihua Kangyuan has completed several hundred million yuan of round B financing to provide a full range of hiot overall solutions for smart hospitals
Ruihua Kangyuan completed several hundred million yuan round B financing
About IN Capital Xiong shuirou: take words as agreement, hold each other as seal, mutual trust is the first important thing
The team comes from professionals in the medical and investment fields.
IN Capital: Guoxin medicine announced the completion of the first round financing of nearly 100 million yuan
Guoxin announced the completion of the first round financing of nearly 100 million yuan.
IN Capital:A year from B to D, Keya medical announced the completion of 300 million + D round financing
Keya medical announced 300 million + D round financing.
IN Capital: Pu Bo completes the B round of hundreds of millions of yuan financing, the overall solution of the most urgent medical equipment.
Shenzhen Pubo Technology Co. announced completion of round B financing。

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